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Brookfield Elementary PTO

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The Brookfield Elementary Parent Teacher Organization's mission is to support our administrators and educators in their efforts to secure the highest educational advantages for each child. We provide a vital link between home and school, facilitating communication and goodwill. We sponsor activities and special projects that enhance students' experiences and our school culture.

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Upcoming Events

February 15: Community Give Back with the Milwaukee Wave 

March 10: Community Give Back at Chipotle - 4:00-8:00 p.m.

March 14: Bobcat Ball: Surf's Up theme

March 16: Community Give Back with the Milwaukee Admirals

April 10: Science Fair

April 25: High Interest Day

May 1: Parents Go Out at Raised Grain

May 30: Ice Cream Social

June 6: Bobcat Blast

For more information on these events, click here.